Adriana Encelan '03 » Mrs. Adriana Enclean '03

Mrs. Adriana Enclean '03



My name is  Mrs. Encelan and I am an alumni, Class of 2003. 


I have been working at this great institute for a long time. 

We offer a lot of great activities and opportunities for our students and we want every student at the school to be involved in something new and of course, something they love!


We encourage all our students to join a club, create a club, and/or participate in activities as it will help them be an all-around student!


In the Bible, it says: 1 Peter 4:10-11. 10: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.” 


Let's share our gifts!

Go Serra!


Mrs. Encelan

Student Life Activities Director

Theater Arts Director

Religion Educator