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Co Presidents- Kim Martin and Jeff Vullo
Board Member- Juile Vullo
Board Member - Tomiko Bobo
Board Member- Cheryl Jackson
Borad Member- Gregory Sarpy
Board Member- Levette Jackson
Board Member- Sonya Ellis
Board Member- Cammie Wilson
Board Member- Lawrence Yates
Board Member- Ana Pfahler

Congratulation League Champions!!!!!!
Varsity Football
Girls Varsity Volleyball

Parents go to the SERRA STORE and purchase the school approved jackets for winter

$45.00 for the multi-colored (red white and blue) jacket with hood
$40.00 (comes in red or blue) jacket without hood


• Check out our new on-line store. Just click on the Serra Store on the front page of the Serra website.

• Booster Club Team Donations for the 2011-2012

Tennis Team - $500.00
Girls Volleyball- $500.00
Varsity Football- $200.00
Boys Basketball- $ 1000.00
PTO- $500.00

The next general meeting will be on: February 16, 2012

If you have any questions or concerns related to all things Booster's, please contact us at:
[email protected] or you can reach our 2010-2011 co-presidents Mrs. Kim Martin (310) 817-9402 Mr. Jeff Vullo (310) 480-1007.

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