Junipero Serra High School
COVID-19 Action Plan
"Starting the School Year Smart"
“One proposes and God decides”
Proverbs 16:1-9
Phase I - Distance Learning Expectations
- Students on time to their virtual classes
- Students in uniform
- Attendance take every period with students' camera on so teacher & student will see each other.
Phase II - Hybrid Cohort Learning Campus Adjustments
- 6ft. spacing between student desks and other campus seating areas
- Directional signage through the campus
- Virtual campus gatherings
- Temperature checks prior to entering campus for all staff, students (2-3 gates from student parking lot), visitors
- Designated area on campus for staff or students exhibiting symptoms
- Closed campus to all visitors except students, employees, and essential vendors
- Parent drop offs of lunch, athletic gear and other items prohibited
- Designated areas for breaks and lunch
- Increased student and staff hand washing and campus wide hand sanitizers
- Limited sharing of personal items and supplies
- Frequent cleaning of high touch areas and surfaces throughout the day including teachers and students utilizing cleaning wipes in the classrooms.
- Controlled restrooms breaks limiting numbers
- Utilize larger rooms and outside areas as needed
Phase II - Hybrid Cohort Learning Family Expectations
- Students and adults with COVID-19 symptoms should not come to campus for 14 days from the end of symptoms or until proof is provided of a passed COVID-19 test. Exposure to COVID-19 should be communicated to the school via phone and email.
- Students and adults with a fever (100.4 or higher) should not come to campus for 24 hours.
- Students failing the symptom check will be quarantined and must be picked up immediately
- Students and adults are required to wear masks and social distance.
- Families are required to practice social distancing and wearing masks. Doing so will enable our school to open and remain open.
Phase III - On campus instructions for all students
To be determined pending State of California, County of Los Angeles and Archdiocese of Los Angeles guidelines.