COVID-19 Action Plan: Update 8-7-20

Junipero Serra High School

COVID-19 Action Plan

"Starting the School Year Smart"

“One proposes and God decides”

Proverbs 16:1-9


Phase I - Distance Learning Expectations

  1. Students on time to their virtual classes
  2. Students in uniform
  3. Attendance take every period with students' camera on so teacher & student will see each other.

Phase II - Hybrid Cohort Learning Campus Adjustments

  1. 6ft. spacing between student desks and other campus seating areas
  2. Directional signage through the campus
  3. Virtual campus gatherings
  4. Temperature checks prior to entering campus for all staff, students (2-3 gates from student parking lot), visitors
  5. Designated area on campus for staff or students exhibiting symptoms
  6. Closed campus to all visitors except students, employees, and essential vendors
  7. Parent drop offs of lunch, athletic gear and other items prohibited
  8. Designated areas for breaks and lunch
  9. Increased student and staff hand washing and campus wide hand sanitizers
  10. Limited sharing of personal items and supplies
  11. Frequent cleaning of high touch areas and surfaces throughout the day including teachers and students utilizing cleaning wipes in the classrooms.
  12. Controlled restrooms breaks limiting numbers
  13. Utilize larger rooms and outside areas as needed

Phase II - Hybrid Cohort Learning Family Expectations

  1. Students and adults with COVID-19 symptoms should not come to campus for 14 days from the end of symptoms or until proof is provided of a passed COVID-19 test. Exposure to COVID-19 should be communicated to the school via phone and email.
  2. Students and adults with a fever (100.4 or higher) should not come to campus for 24 hours.
  3. Students failing the symptom check will be quarantined and must be picked up immediately
  4. Students and adults are required to wear masks and social distance.
  5. Families are required to practice social distancing and wearing masks. Doing so will enable our school to open and remain open.

Phase III - On campus instructions for all students

To be determined pending State of California, County of Los Angeles and Archdiocese of Los Angeles guidelines.